Sunday 26 August 2012

Thought For The Day

"It really is more than just words because these same words have the power to create and innovate, turn blue into black,make something false appear to be true or more importantly can be seen, heard or in this case read by you,him and her."

Thank you to all my new reviews!

I just wanted to say a personal special THANK YOU with all my heart to those people who have kindly given their time and thought into providing me with feedback for my debut e book

"Faces The Mind Never Traced."

Please check out my reviews on and there are some on

Hello Bloggers

Good morning,afternoon or evening. It's nice to be back... I'm sooooooooooooooooooooo sorry for the major delay since my last blog.

I've been working hard on my new project and can't wait to share it all with you.

So how's everyone doing?
I have some thoughts for the day which I will do shortly.

I would like to know what people are reading at the moment so please get in touch.

Monday 30 July 2012

Thought For The Day

"The truth can set you free but when you're in denial you not only deny the truth for yourself but you also deny the truth itself from setting free.

So you end up denying the truth for yourself but also you allow the lie to be free because of the denial."

Mark A. Cherrington.

Hello fellow bloggers

Hi to everyone. If you're reading this you should pass it on to someone else to read so they can become part of my blog community.

I wonder what books people are reading. Feel free to post and update the blog. I will be posting some more books shortly.

Take care to you all.

Friday 27 July 2012

New Feature for the Blog

Hi Everyone. I was thinking of another new feature for this blog.

What books do we feel should be made into movies and why??? 

I am hoping that any books that really move the reader can be spoken about on the blog and they can say whether they feel it would make a good movie.

So please get thinkng!
Also please tell a friend to tell a friend as everyone is welcome to contribute and be a part of this book community and make their mark.

Hope to blog again shortly... Take care

My thought for the day - Olympic Theme

Hi to everyone out there. I just wanted to update the blog and do my thought for the day.

With the Olympics happening right now it got me thinnking and this was my thought for the day.

"In the game of life we are all athletes running at different paces and selecting which race to run that we believe we are fit enough for.

Eventually we'll all be winners because we have breath and life to start the race in the first place so be sure you grab your gold,silver and bronze as we each will earn them before the finish line."

Mark A. Cherrington -

I hope you enjoy this. Please feel free to share some of your thoughts and of course recommendations for books.

Take care..

Book Review - Faces The Mind Never Traced

Hi Everyone. I just wanted to share my book review for "Faces T

Book Review: Faces the Mind Never Traced

Morning All,

 As promised earlier, here is the review of the book Faces The Mind Never Traced by Mark A Cherrington. 


My rating:
 8/10. A very good read.

Book Cover Faces The Mind Never Traced By Mark Cherrinton, Mark Cherrington, books by Mark CherringtonA fantastic yet super short collection of stories which is not just fascinating but intriguing on what an identity of a human face is, how the various emotions change it and what it says about the heart and mind of the underlying human being. The book for sure leaves youw wanting to read a little more. I might add, that the book will make you a little angry on the author for not having compiled a few more stories. In just 3400 words, the author for sure captaures the interest of the audience, tells you a tale and leaves you thinking about the book, the people around you, the faces that keep coming back to you all night and about much more. 

This is my first book of this genre and thanks to it, it captured my attention and I shall try a book or two in this genre now for sure. What is interesting is, though every story is super short, it depits happiness, joy, amusement, confusion and various other emotions in true life situations. 

Don't forget to try this book out here


  Mark Cherrington can be reached on his blog here

 with warm regards
Abhishek Boinapalli

Thursday 28 June 2012


Hello to everyone in author land and welcome to my blog MakeYourMark.

I'm hoping that everyone who joins will make their mark by submitting their thoughts and opinions on different books.

I will try my best to update the blog daily. Thanks for stopping by and Blog away...

I will invite ALL bloggers to

1) Use two words to describe the latest book they're reading.

2)Tell us the name and title of the book along with a recommendation and review if they want to.

3)A thought for the day - I'm hoping that these will be quotes that people would like to share so that my blog can promote a sense of togetherness amongst us all as authors.

Look forward to be blogging with you all - Mark A.